Chiara Manzi on TV
TV Releases
I have been a guest more than 300 times on TV on various networks. Many of you got to know me that way, right from home, perhaps around the stove or at the dining table. Here are the moments I remember most fondly.
TG2 Stories
TG2 stories comes into my Libra Restaurant in Bologna to tell how we prepare longevity dishes and ship them all over Europe. I tell my story and project and the years of study through which I discovered how to reformulate the most delicious dishes to make them elixirs of longevity.
On TG4 live from the International Congress of Nutrition in Tokyo
Is synthetic meat good for our health and the health of the planet? I spoke about this on TG4 live from Tokyo, explaining the evidence that emerged during the Congress: the nutritional values of real meat are not limited to the protein content, vitamins and minerals are key molecules for our well-being, rich in a unique synthetic taste.
Mattino 5 with Federica Panicucci
Federica Panicucci is delighted tasting Goduria, our Antiaging hazelnut and cocoa spread. She agrees with me: instead of changing the way we eat, let’s change the way we cook: scientifically proven doses, pairings and cooking methods.
TG2 Eat Parade
Cucina Evolution’s most famous recipe is revealed as we enter the kitchen of Ristorante Libra. With Luca Cesari, gastronomic historian, we recount the evolution of Carbonara over time until we arrive at the Antiaging version, faithful to the most typical ingredients: yolk, guanciale and pecorino cheese.
Fit with Carbonara and Tiramisu
Is slimming down without giving up taste really possible? I explain to Simona Branchetti how to lose weight with a smile, without renouncing to the tastiest dishes. Because diets made of deprivation work as long as you resist, but only 1 in 1000 is successful.
Morning News Canale 5
How many eating disorders are caused by diets? Now we can eat healthy without giving up the foods we love most, helping us to have a good relationship with food without guilt and doing good for our health and beauty.
Mi manda Rai 3
I shed light on the most unknown poison: acrylamide, a dangerous process contaminant formed in the cooking of potatoes, cereals and coffee. I explain how to cook potatoes and cereals without forming acrylamide, and in the kitchen of Libra Restaurant we make an acrylamide-free fried food together.
Studio Aperto Italia1
Ready for the swimsuit season? On Studio Aperto I tell the golden rules for slimming down, combining tastiness, tradition and wellness. I explain the 7 pillars to make Antiaging the most delicious dishes. No good or bad ingredients exist! Let’s learn how to dose, match and cook them in a way that’s good for our health.
Verissimo with Silvia Toffanin
Silvia Toffanin tastes the first Antiaging Cornetto live and, incredulous, she licks her fingers! I tell her how with the Scientific Method Cucina Evolution is possible to eat traditional dishes, sweet and savory, to stay fit.
Porta a Porta with Bruno Vespa Rai1
Hosted by Bruno Vespa, I open the eyes of the most sceptical, debunking the false myths of diets. I explain the difference between dietetic and Antiaging, specifying the properties of longevity foods. One example: how to fry in an healthy way.
Domenica Live with Barbara D’Urso Canale 5
Barbara D’Urso asks me for a scientific opinion about who spread fad diets without scientific basis. I explain that it’s better to loose weight, one should not endanger one’s health with drastic, protein-rich and unbalanced diets. Better to lose weight in health and with taste, with Scientific Method.
TG4 – Foods to clean your arteries.
My collaboration with TG4 lasted 3 years, with hundreds of guest appearances when Dr.Mario Giordano was the director. Here I talk about the foods able to clean the arteries and give tips on how to make stew meat, savory muffins but also apple fritters together with the very nice Wilma de Angelis.
TG4 – Anti-inflammation foods
We talk about anti-inflammation foods: how to cook broccoli and tomato. How to make tasty and healthy Pesto.
TG1 – First hosted in 2008
I am glad to publish here my first television outing, it was December 31, 2008 when the 8 p.m. TG1 took an interest in my work, just beginning. Look how awkward I was in front of the camera!
To transform Scientific Research into Delicious and Antiaging Foods
Cucina Evolution Academy
Since 2012 the first Academy in Europe of Culinary Nutrition and Antiaging Cooking. Dedicated to chefs, pastry chefs, physicians, nutritionists, and all lovers of cooking and health
Libra Restaurant - Antiaging Italian Food
The World's First Restaurant of Antiaging Traditional Italian Cuisine. Upcoming Franchise Openings
Cucina Evolution Online
the Antiaging Wellness Center since 2014. With a team specialized in Antiaging Nutrition support, you realize your program to loose weight, keep fit and live longer. All foods and ready meals are certified on Nutritional Safety, which guarantees taste + balance. 90% of the products are gluten-free. (Gluten Free Certified) Pleasure, Health and Longevity.
Golosi e Longevi (Tasty and Long-Lived)
Receive at home Ready Antiaging Meals prepared by Libra Restaurant in Bologna. We send all over Europe in 48 hours.
How can I help you?
Do you want to live long and/or lose weight
without sacrificing taste?
Are you a wellness-oriented Company?
If you are the owner of a company in the food field and you feel it is appropriate and necessary to improve your products from a nutritional point of view, to ensure high quality in the area of wellness for your customers, I have formed a team to evaluate a customized consultation.